I recently revisited a favourite technique of mine - Intentional Camera Movement. Fairly easy to achieve (although there is an element of trial and error with it) but it gives you a sense of creative freedom.
If you've not tried it before it is counterintuitive as you deliberately have to move the camera whilst the shutter is open. There is also a fine line between creating something almost akin to Impressionist paintings, and just looking like you've made a mistake!
On this occasion I took a trip to Rectory Wood in Church Stretton, with the intention of taking ICM shots of trees. Whilst I did get some, I was much more taken with the stream that runs through the wood. So I set about to use ICM as a way of portraying visually the sensations of being by a stream in a wood.
I feel these following images manage to convey that sensation, I can almost hear that stream rushing by and that cool fresh smell of being next to water.